Sabah RE2 training curricula

Mini-Grid Project Management


TObpinai NIngkokoton koBUruon kampuNG (Friends of Village Development) is an indigenous-lead organisation that develops sustainable alternatives for rural electrification while advocating for native rights and supporting local entrepreneurship and innovation around Southeast Asia.


PACOS Trust is a community-based organisation dedicated to supporting indigenous communities in Sabah. The organisation strives to empower indigenous communities through systematic building and strengthening of community organisations, which can act collectively on its own. They also support networking among organisations struggling to assert rights over community resources and revitalising indigenous systems.

Mini-Grid Project Management

To learn about the current capacities for - and to test and share strategies to strengthen - project management skills in remote area communities to build, run and maintain mini-grids and their micro-hydro catchments.  The participation of government officers and other stakeholders together with community members can help clarify management and technical requirements in the context of the reality of remote village Sabah.


The Sabah RE2 Training Curricula is a culmination of our past two years down the roadmap combined with decades of technical and field experience. Refer here for all instructions and guidelines needed to facilitate this training programme.

Curriculum for Community Organising for Developing and Operating Renewable Energy Mini-Grids



These course materials were used in the training and engagement of the local community in various rural regions of Sabah. Refer here for presentation slides, training exercises, spreadsheets, and more.

Tadahan Air Renewable Energy Komuniti, TAREK - Sesi 1


Kaedah pemantauan lapangan dan proses melapor keadaan tadahan air (Sesi 4)


Pengenalan GPS (Sesi 2 - Topik 2)


Pengenalan pemetaan komuniti (Sesi 2 - Topik 1)



Programmes are structured differently according to specific topics, communities, or preferences. Refer here for our programme.

Program PMT


Other resources

Refer here for a miscellaneous listing of resources relevant to the programme.

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View our playlist:

Introduction to TAREK


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Session 2: Introduction to Community Mapping


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Session 3: Introduction to Community Mapping


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Community Stories


coming together for micro-hydro powered rural electrification

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Community Stories


KAMPUNG DAGAT: Renewable Energy for Remote fishing communities.

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